
Newsletter-October  2024

I wanted to send out this Newsletter and update you all with the changes that have been made in the last couple of months.
As you may all know with the sudden loss of Mayor Scott Hudson, it has been a major shock and my heart goes out to his wife and family. It has been amazing see our local community come together helping the Hudson family through this difficult time and that doesn’t surprise me knowing the type of community that we are, Neighborly Humble and Kind.
Unfortunately, with the loss of Scott the Village
Board must move on. Given my last year and a half as
Deputy Mayor the Board made a decision of appointing myself Matthew Smart as Mayor until the upcoming Election.
As Mayor, I appointed a fill-in Trustee: Mike Lacey and Deputy Mayor: Rick Bush.
Going forward the Village Board is continuing to work on tree and sidewalk management on Maple St. Our August 13th Meeting we had Mike Glazer the Arborist present. Mike talked with Village Residents that came to the meeting with concerns about cutting trees. It was great getting thoughts and ideas from everyone. With the info we received the Board has decided to cut two of the worst trees that Mike suggested that should be cut down and will be removed this fall. We are hoping to start repairing sidewalks and planting new trees in the spring. We are hoping to continue this process in the future on other streets as they need work as well.
I hope you all find this Newsletter helpful, if anyone has a question or concerns, please reach out or feel free to attend a meeting. I hope you all enjoy the beautiful fall season.
Matthew Smart ~ Mayor
Village of Wyoming

Village Newsletter – June 2024

Hello to the Village of Wyoming.
I wanted to send out this newsletter to update on the goings on here in the Village, and to update on what is taking place on the Village Board.
     First I would like to start back in April. As many of you are aware the Village Board starts its budget meetings at the beginning of March and finishes up with a Public Hearing concerning the Yearly Budget at the April Village Board Meeting. We have 2 different funds that we manage, 1. The General Fund and 2. The Water Fund. Our final Total Budget for this year is $306751.24 which is down slightly from $308005.02 the previous year. Village taxes this year can be figured at 7.035 per/1000.
     Next we are starting to take Bids for Tree and Sidewalk work on Maple. Seeing that we have lots of foot traffic during Apple-Umpkin to the Village Park from the Hook & Ladder parking area these sidewalks are heavily used and in need of repair. Maple St is the focus point this year. There are a number of large old trees that have caused the sidewalks to buckle at a number of locations along Maple. These trees will have to be removed, and sections of sidewalk removed before the new sidewalk can be put in place. Because of the expense of this project we will have to approach this in sections. We hope to be able to accomplish this so that any construction will be complete before Apple-Umpkin.
     Next on the List. Some know that we have been working with Verizon and Empire to bring Fiber Internet into our Village. Verizon will be bringing in a temporary cellular/Internet service at the time of Apple-Umpkin to help with our cellular service and Internet. In order to do that they will be providing all the fiber cable plus conduit and horizontal drilling service at no charge to the Village in order to get Fiber from Main Street to our Village Park Building. We will be able to utilize that fiber run to provide future services in the Village Park. This project also allows Verizon to be able to determine how much cellular service and Internet service usage our Village needs and will allow for a future discussion for a better, faster permanent solution for the residents of our Village.
     Next in this discussion is our “Welcome to Wyoming Village” signs that are all needing a face lift. We have reached out to Sign Language for quotes on renewing all four of these signs. We want to see these signs brought back to their former glory proudly representing our small Historic Gaslight Village.
     Lastly residents on Maple and Sherman need to be able to have a mailbox on their property should they so desire, just like everyone else in the Village. For those that may not be aware all residents on Maple and Sherman have a free PO Box at the post office rather than having their own mailbox at their home. We think of our residents that are getting older, and I really believe that they should have the privilege of walking out to their own mailbox for their mail, rather than going thru the process of traveling from their house, to car, to post office, to car and back into their home especially in the winter. So this is a priority that we would love to see completed this year.
     Well friends. I believe that sums up some of what we are working with so far for the 2024/2025 season. I’m sure there will be more to come.
     Thanks to All on doing your part to lift our little Village back to its place of beauty and prominence. Keeping our yards clean and tidy is one small way we can all make a difference.
     If you have any thoughts, concerns or solutions please contact me. I would love to hear what’s on your mind. You can learn more about the positive things taking place in our Village by going to:
Email me:
Or just drop by and tell me in person.
June 14th is Flag Day!!
Everyone have a great and glorious day!
Scott Hudson – Mayor
Village of Wyoming